I am amazed at how frequently this occurs.
When you communicate with your clients, customers or patients, please use their name. Don’t ever write to your clients like this…
- Dear Client
- Dear Valued Client
- Dear Sir/Madam (yes I still receive letters like this – I’m sure you do too)
This sounds really obvious but it happens regularly. If the person you’re writing to is a client, customer or patient, treat them like you would a friend.
NEVER write to your clients like this again.
Here’s how to do it…
- Dear John
- Good Morning John
- Hi John
- Dear Mr Jones (I prefer not to use this naming convention, as it’s very formal, but it’s still personal)
If at the beginning of the relationship you would rather be more formal you should use the following greetings…
· Dear Mr Brown
· Good Morning Mrs Jones
Think about it…
If you’re a ‘Valued Client’ why hasn’t the business taken the time and effort to write to you personally?
For many people this is very irritating. It’s a sure-fire way to annoy and even repel people from using your products or services in the future.
And don’t forget…
…one of your ultimate objectives is to nurture your relationships so you can ethically extract as much profit as you can out of your existing clients, customers or patients.
Using their name is a good start!
Thanks for reading. Here are 3 other great resources to help you grow your business fast…
Alex MacArthur
#1: FREE Sales Accelerator ROADMAP >> Request Here
Fix your sales and marketing to accelerate the growth of your business with this amazing software tool. Over 500% improvements are common place!
#2: FREE Scientific Marketing Makeover >> Request Here
Multiply the results of any of your marketing strategies (web site, landing page, print ad, letter, postcard, leaflet, etc.) with zero extra cost!
#3: FREE “The FORMULA” Webinar >> More Details Here
How to implement ‘The FORMULA’ and achieve transformational results even if you have zero sales and marketing experience!
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