Marketing MISTAKE #18 – Getting your Customer And Prospect Details Wrong

Again, I’ve got files full of these sorts of mistakes.

You must check and double check that you’ve got the correct details of your prospects and clients, customers or patients.

I’m sure you know from experience how annoying it is when someone gets your name or other contact details wrong.

The name (and address if relevant) on any communication is checked first by all of us. What do you think your chances are if you get your prospects or customers contact details wrong? Where do you think your marketing piece will end up?

It’s often difficult to get 100% accurate data. But make sure you keep your errors to a minimum. Keep updating your records. Check the prospects or customers details when they call in. Just good ‘housekeeping’ will eradicate many basic (and often human) errors.

Plus, with the ever-changing laws on data protection it’s good practice to keep your data as current as possible.

Thanks for reading. Here are 3 other great resources to help you grow your business fast…

Alex MacArthur

#1: FREE Sales Accelerator ROADMAP >> Request Here

Fix your sales and marketing to accelerate the growth of your business with this amazing software tool. Over 500% improvements are common place!

#2: FREE Scientific Marketing Makeover >> Request Here

Multiply the results of any of your marketing strategies (web site, landing page, print ad, letter, postcard, leaflet, etc.) with zero extra cost!

#3: FREE “The FORMULA” Webinar >> More Details Here

How to implement ‘The FORMULA’ and achieve transformational results even if you have zero sales and marketing experience!

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